Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's a NuMe!

Today I finally received the NuMe Couture straightener I had bought online. The glistening box beckoned me to open it immediately! The descriptions promise amazing hair, and after having faced disappointing results from a number of other straighteners, I cannot wait to see if the praise these tools have received remain true. 

While it may seem unimportant to receive another hair straightener, the NuMe not only symbolizes the possibilities of pretty hair, but also a new me in the realms of fashion and beauty. I have recently been reading a lot of beauty/fashion blogs ( Zoella and The Satorialist, among others) and watching a lot of beauty/fashion blogs (TessChristine, Zoella, and AndreasChoice, just to name a few) and was completely inspired by them. I could easily envision the captivating articles I would write, while viewing their blogs and marveling at their advice. 

The arrival of the NuMe triggered my leap into a world unknown to me: the world of blogging about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. As popular fashion and my personal style changes, this blog will be there, capturing every twist and turn in the evolution. 

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